
1. 凡在马来西亚指定余仁生分店或网站消费即可参与 Eu Rewards奖励积分兑换活动。

2. 在马来西亚任何余仁生分店或网站每消费,一零吉(RM1)将可赚取一分奖励积分。奖励积分兑换最少300积分。

3. 持卡人必须在每次购物付款前,出示余仁生会员卡、身份证或护照号码,方可享有会员优惠,同时作为交易记录。

4. 凭余仁生会员卡,在余仁生医道馆(只限医疗费)、尊厨及余仁生所授权之特约专卖商店购物,不将获得任何奖励积分。

5. 除了余仁生所指定的产品或回扣,奖励积分并不可随意兑换成现金或产品。

6. 余仁生奖励积分不可转让至其他持卡人或任何第三人。

7. 持卡人须有足够的可用积分方可换取兑换项目。如果积分不足,换礼申请将自动取消。

8. 持卡人可通过以下方式查询积分余额
i.    凭已收集的单据确认累积积分,
ii.    到余仁生分店查询, 
iii.    测览余仁生网站 www.euyansang.com.my/checkpoint,查询所累积积分

9. 兑换产品时,兑换者必须出示正本余仁生会员卡或身份证或护照。

10. 礼品只能在指定的马来西亚余仁生分行兑换,更多详情请联络临近分店或浏览余仁生网站: www.euyansang.com.my/145rewards

11. 会员可在马来西亚任何的余仁生分店,余仁生官网或向余仁生客户关系管理部查询其奖励积分。

12. 凡兑换任何奖励积分产品的数额将不可兑换成奖励积分。 


Point Redemption Terms & Conditions:

1. Participate Eu Rewards Point Redemption Programme with any purchase at selected Eu Yan Sang outlets or eStore in Malaysia.

2. Every Ringgit (MYR) spent at EYS outlets or eStore in Malaysia will be rewarded with one (1) Eu Rewards point. The minimum amount of reward points required to be eligible for redemption is 300 points.

3. EYS Eu Rewards membership card / NRIC/ Passport Number must be presented before each purchase payment to enjoy the special discount and to facilitate recording of sales transaction.

4. NO Eu Rewards points will be credited to Eu Rewards membership card for any transactions made at Health Cité TCM Centre, The Zun Kitchenette and EYS authorised special outlet(s) in Malaysia.

5. Eu Rewards points earned are not exchangeable or redeemable for cash or other items, except for those stated in EYS Instant Redemption Programme.

6. Eu Rewards points earned are not-transferable and/or assignable to any other person(s).

7. Only valid members with sufficient points are eligible for Eu Yan Sang redemption programme.

8. Members can check their total points earned

  • based on receipts kept during collection period
  • by visiting outlet
  • by logging in to www.euyansang.com.my/checkpoint

9. Members are required to present their original Membership card / NRIC/ Passport to redeem the gift(s).

10. Gift redemption can be done at selected outlets. Kindly check the outlet list at Eu Yan Sang website www.euyansang.com.my/145rewards

11. Eu Rewards members can check their points balance at any retails outlets in Malaysia, eStore, or call our Customer Careline at 1300-888-213.

12. Eu Rewards Points will not be awarded for the purchase / or redemption of any Point Redemption product(s).

13. Redemption on product(s) or goods is subject to availability of stocks. In the event of non-availability or discontinuance of any product(s) or goods, Eu Yan Sang (1959) Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to substitute an item with another brand/ product of equivalent monetary value.