Media Source:

  1. The sun daily :
  2. The straits times :
  3. Today :
  4. Shanghai Daily:
  5. Asia one health:
  6. Sina全球新闻:
  7. 东方日报(香港):
  8. 东盟网(新加坡):
  9. 星岛日报:


Updated: 05 January 2017

Click to view Statement:
English version: Eu Yan Sang Bo Ying Compound is safe for consumption
Chinese version: 余仁生保婴丹符合安全标准

Updated: 27 July 2016

Click to view Statement:
English version: How to avoid purchasing copycat products misusing Eu Yan Sang’s name
Chinese version: 避免购买不当使用余仁生名称的仿制产品

Updated: 07 May 2016

It has come to our attention that a deliberately misleading news report has been posted on certain social media sites in Malaysia. The post consists of an old news story which has been doctored by the replacement of the original photo in it with that of our Malaysian-made Bo Ying Compound product which was NOT the product referred to in the original news report.

This doctored photo was pasted on top of the photo carried by a news article published on 18 April 2016 and featured on a website Furthermore, our Malaysian-made Bo Ying Compound product was never mentioned in the news article. Please refer to original news article and the said doctored post in Appendix A.

The deliberate and mischievous act of image manipulation is a serious offence intended to create a false and misleading impression of our product and to damage our reputation.

We take a grave view of this incident. It undermines the hard work, commitment and dedication of over 135 years of honest effort by our Company, including the high standards of our manufacturing and technology capability which have been recognised and certified globally as well as the acclaimed quality of our products and services.

We will take appropriate legal action against the perpetrators, including filing a police report on this incident. We would like to seek cooperation from the public to stop this malicious falsehood. Should you come across questionable news or images of our products, please report or talk to us at:
Singapore 1800 888 1879
Malaysia 1300 888 213

We thank you for your understanding.

Richard Eu
Group Chief Executive Officer
Eu Yan Sang International Ltd

Updated: 30 April 2015

Dear Eu Yan Sang Customer

  1. Eu Yan Sang BYC sold in Malaysia is safe for consumption and has never been called into question by the FDA.
  2. The product identified by US FDA refers to a suspected version of BYC (HK version) which is in a yellow tin box.
  3. The BYC sold in Malaysia & Singapore is in green paper box is safe for consumption. This product has not been identified by US FDA. It is manufactured by EYS Malaysia and complies with all quality assurance & product safety standards stipulated by the Malaysia Ministry of Health.
  4. Eu Yan Sang Group reassures consumers that all Bo Ying Compound products manufactured by us, whether in HK, MY or US fully comply with its respective countries’ product safety and regulatory standards in the countries they are sold in and are safe for consumption.
  5. Since the issuance of the FDA warning on suspected lead levels in Bo Ying Compound (HK Version) on 25 September 2014, Eu Yan Sang has worked on verifying the source of the sample in question. As of today, that sample has yet to be authenticated.
  6. The FDA’s MedWatch report did not explicitly point out that the incident was caused by the consumption of BYC (HK Version). It was presented as a possible link to the incident when investigated by the authorities for excessive levels of lead by the infant’s parents.
  7. We stand behind the safety and quality of our BYC product.
  8. Should you need further clarification, please contact our Customer Service hotline at 1300 888213.


  1. 被批准在(马来西亚)销售的余仁生保婴丹符合食用安全标准. 美国食品药物管理局( FDA)从未对此提出质疑。
  2. 美国FDA所指的香港版保婴丹产品,是以黄色铝盒包装的。
  3. 在新加坡和马来西亚销售的余仁生保婴丹, 其包装为绿色纸盒; 皆由余仁生马来西亚制药厂制造. 其质量和安全标准符合马来西亚卫生部及新加坡卫生科学局制定的规定。与美国食品药物管理局(FDA)警告之涉及产品无关。
  4. 余仁生集团重申:无论是香港、马来西亚或美国制造的余仁生保婴丹,都符合原产地政府所制定的药品品质要求,而且都通过食用安全评价。
  5. 在2014年9月25日美国FDA发布有关香港版保婴丹疑含铅的警告后,集团随即向有关部门查询。有关部门至今始终未能确认所涉保婴丹样本来源。
  6. 美国FDA的MedWatch警告并没有指明婴儿是因为食用香港版保婴丹而中铅毒; 仅在调查中表示这起事件或与该产品有关联。
  7. 余仁生一向严格管控保婴丹产品的质量和安全,郑重保证余仁生产品安全。
  8. 如有查询,请联络:1300 888213 余仁生保婴丹可安全服用本集团重申,直至目前为止,美国方面始终未能确认早前消息当中保婴丹样本的来源,因此本集团对该产品的来源和合法性存疑。同时,据了解,香港卫生署已就有关消息向美国纽约市卫生局(NYCDOH MH)及美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)查询,并于去年10月2日东方日报导中表示: 香港制造的余仁生保婴丹符合本港中成药制度下之安全性规范。香港卫生署曾于市面抽取香港制造的余仁生保婴丹不同批次样本化验,结果显示,香港样本的含铅量均低于中药组订明的每天摄取限量标准,即每日一百七十九微克,以及纽约市卫生局就《食物添加剂》所订的最高限量,即百万分之二(2ppm)。香港卫生署回应证明本集团于香港所制造的保婴丹符合安全标准。产品现合法于香港及澳门的余仁生门市,连锁店及指定药房售卖,顾客可以安心食用。

Updated: 16 April 2015

Bo Ying Compound manufactured by Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong fully complies with Hong Kong safety standards

Eu Yan Sang Group reiterates that the Bo Ying Compound manufactured by Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong is in full compliance with Hong Kong safety standards. Since the issuance of the FDA warning on suspected lead levels in Bo Ying Compound (HK Version) on 25 September 2014, Eu Yan Sang has worked on verifying the source of the sample in question. As of today, that sample has yet to be authenticated.

Hong Kong Department of Health (HKDOH) has contacted the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOH MH) and the FDA to inquire about the Bo Ying Compound case. HKDOH has responded to Oriental Daily News’ enquiry dated 2 October 2014 as follows:

  1. Eu Yan Sang Bo Ying Compound, manufactured in Hong Kong, is in full compliance with the safety standards stipulated by the Chinese Medicine Ordinance in Hong Kong.
  2. HKDOH has randomly collected samples of Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong’s Bo Ying Compound for lab test and analysis. The results showed that the lead content contained in Bo Ying Compound manufactured by Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong is lower than the total daily intake level (179 ug/day) stipulated by HKDOH, and is within the limit for food additives (2 ppm) stipulated by NYC DOH MH.

The Eu Yan Sang Group reassures consumers that its Bo Ying Compound manufactured in Hong Kong is in full compliance with Hong Kong’s product safety and regulatory standards and are safe for consumption.

Updated: 08 October 2014

Click to view Statement: Statement in Response to the Straits Times article dated 8 October 2014 (SGX)

Updated: 02 October 2014

In response to the statement issued by U.S. health authorities that excessive lead was found in “Bo Ying Compound of Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong", the Eu Yan Sang Group has appointed U.S. lawyers to liaise with the U.S. authorities in order to effectively protect consumers’ health as well as our Group’s reputation. The Group has never exported any "Hong Kong Bo Ying Compound" to the U.S. Bo Ying Compound of Eu Yan Sang in the U.S. is produced locally in U.S. in Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facilities to ensure that our product fully complies with the quality assurance standards.

Bo Ying Compound of Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong is a registered Proprietary Chinese Medicine under Department of Health. Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong’s Bo Ying Compound complies with safety requirements set out by the Hong Kong Department of Health, and has passed all required tests for safety (including lead content).

Eu Yan Sang Group is committed to producing high-quality products through a strictly controlled manufacturing process. All of Eu Yan Sang Group’s products adhere to the Chinese medicine regulations imposed by the regulatory authorities in the country of origin. Eu Yan Sang’s Bo Ying Compound is manufactured both in Hong Kong and Malaysia in its own manufacturing plants. Every batch of product meets the safety and quality standards for proprietary Chinese medicine set by the local health regulating bodies.

Bo Ying Compound sold in Eu Yan Sang Malaysia Retail Stores is a registered TCM product with Malaysia National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau, Ministry of Health Malaysia. All batches complied with the requirements set by Ministry of Health Malaysia and has passed all the required tests including lead and other heavy metal content, quality standard and stability. Besides routine lab test result on every batch, Eu Yan Sang Malaysia manufacturing arm (Weng Li Sdn. Bhd.) has taken initiative to send sample to external accredited lab to strengthen the result that the lead content and other heavy metals complies to the requirement.

Bo Ying Compound sold in Malaysia Eu Yan Sang retail stores and its authorised distributors is safe for consumption.

Our daily food sources, including drinking water and natural food made from plants such as green tea, contain heavy metals (including lead) naturally found in soil. They are considered safe for consumption as long as the amounts do not exceed the World Health Organization's safety standard, and the relevant safety standards for the product which in turn depend on the intended country of sale.

Updated: 29 September 2014

Official Announcement: Bo Ying Compound Is Safe

In response to the statement issued by U.S. health authorities that excessive lead was found in “Bo Ying Compound of Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong", the Eu Yan Sang Group has appointed U.S. lawyers to liaise with the U.S. authorities in order to effectively protect consumers’ health as well as our Group’s reputation. The Group has never exported any "Hong Kong Bo Ying Compound" to the U.S. Bo Ying Compound of Eu Yan Sang in the U.S. is produced locally in Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facilities to ensure that our product fully complies with the quality assurance standards.

Our daily food sources, including drinking water and natural food made from plants such as green tea, contain heavy metals (including lead) naturally found in soil. They are considered safe for consumption as long as the amounts do not exceed the World Health Organization's safety standard, and the relevant safety standards for the product which in turn depend on the intended country of sale.

Bo Ying Compound of Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong is a registered Proprietary Chinese Medicine under Department of Health. Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong’s Bo Ying Compound complies with safety requirements set out by the Hong Kong Department of Health, and has passed all required tests for safety (including lead content), long term toxicity test, clinical trials, quality and stability. According to the Chinese Medicine Ordinance, the Hong Kong Department of Health has set the total daily intake of lead level at 179 ug/day, while the lead content contained in Bo Ying Compound of Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong is negligible. The product is safe for its intended use.

Eu Yan Sang Group is committed to producing high-quality products through a strictly controlled manufacturing process. All of Eu Yan Sang Group’s products adhere to the Chinese medicine regulations imposed by the regulatory authorities in the country of origin. Eu Yan Sang’s Bo Ying Compound is manufactured both in Hong Kong and Malaysia in its own manufacturing plants. Every batch of product meets the safety and quality standards for proprietary Chinese medicine set by the local health regulating bodies.

Eu Yan Sang’s manufacturing facility in Hong Kong has obtained Hong Kong Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Certificate, TGA's PIC/S GMP and ISO9001:2008 Certification and the manufacturing facility in Malaysia also obtained GMP certification since 1997 and ISO9001 international accreditation 2001 to ensure that all products produced in the facility comply with the stringent safety and quality assurance standards and are deemed safe for consumption.

Consumers can be rest assured of the safe use of Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong's products.

就美国有消息指余仁生香港保婴丹含铅量超标一事,为有效保障消费者以及余仁生集团声誉,集团已经透过律师与美国当局全面跟进有关消息。 余仁生集团并没有从香港出口保婴丹到美国。在当地销售的美国正版余仁生保婴丹是在美国当地生产并符合有关品质规范,厂房取得GMP优良药品作业规范。


香港出售的余仁生保婴丹乃香港卫生署注册的中成药产品,产品的安全性符合香港卫生署颁布的中成药规范,并已通过安全性测试(包括铅含量),品质标准测试以及稳定性试验测试。根据《中医药条例》, 香港卫生署颁布的中成药的含铅量上限为每日剂量不超过179 微克,而余仁生香港保婴丹含量远远低于卫生署颁布的中成药含铅量上限标准。再者,余仁生香港保婴丹亦已通过长期毒性测试,临床测试, 顾客可以安心服用。

余仁生一直以来严格监管厂房所制造的产品,产品品质一向符合原产地的中成药规范。香港出售的余仁生保婴丹由香港厂房生产,每批保婴丹也会全检出厂,品质均符合香港中医药管理委员会对中成药产品所制订之安全限量标准。 同样,在马来西亚销售的保婴丹是由马来西亚余仁生GMP厂房生产, 每批产品均会符合当地政府的药品品质要求。

余仁生于香港的现代化厂房取得香港的中成药生产质量管理规范(GMP)、澳洲政府TGA之PIC/SGMP中成药生产质量管理规范及ISO9001:2008认证;另一方面, 马来西亚制药厂亦于1997年获得"优良药品生产作业规范"(GMP)及于2001年获得ISO9001国际认证.确保集团所有产品都达到安全、稳定的品质。


Updated: 26 September 2014

Click to view Statement: FDA/CDER Statement dated 26 September 2014 - Clarification Statement

Updated: 08 August 2014

Bo Ying Compound manufactured by Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong is a registered TCM product certified by Hong Kong SAR Government. This product complies with the safety requirements set by the Department of Health HK, and has passed all the required tests for safety (including lead and other heavy metal content), quality standard and stability. Bo Ying Compound sold in Hong Kong Eu Yan Sang retail stores and its authorised distributors is safe for consumption. In Singapore and Malaysia, Eu Yan Sang’s Bo Ying Compound also passed all tests and complies with the stringent regulations of the respective local health authorities.

Meanwhile, we are carrying out further investigations on the health notice issued on 1 August 2014 in New York.




Eu Yan Sang (1959) Sdn Bhd