
Positive Vibes with Essence of Chicken


Positive Vibes with Essence of Chicken
Essence of chicken is widely known and taken in the Chinese community. These are among the common conversations we’ve always heard about Essence of Chicken:
  • “Exam? Must drink Essence of Chicken, good for you!”
  • “Have to stay back for work? Remember to drink Essence of Chicken!”
  • “Dozing off during work? A bottle of Essence of Chicken can help you boost energy.”
Almost every mom would make their kids drink this during exam periods. It has even become a kind of health supplement cum traditional remedy. So what exactly are the health benefits of Essence of Chicken? And why is good?
1. Combats mental fatigue
In everyday life, everyone is striving for a better future. Office workers sitting for long hours in front of the computer beyond the working hour; bosses attending never ending meetings for business opportunities; housewives starting the day early to ensure the family has nutritious breakfast and continues her daily chores for the day; students studying all night for exam preparation so they can excel. All these tasks strain your mind as well as energy gradually. That’s when mental fatigue happens.
How to tell if you experience mental fatigue? Symptoms include:
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty in solving problems
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability (due to lack of concentration)
  • Loss of passion (for work or interest)
  • Sleepless nights
  • Confusion or frustration triggered by problem-solving tasks (like simple math)
Eu Yan Sang’s Traditional Essence of Chicken is an excellent supplement for revitalising tired body. It contains protein and amino acids as well. Consumption on this also boosts stamina, suitable for fatigue working adults, people who have insufficient sleep as well as recuperation of health.
2. Boosts vitality
Essence of chicken has longed been used as the remedy for energy boosting. What if you need extra booster than the traditional essence of chicken? Essence of Chicken with American Ginseng & Shou Di helps to relieve fatigue, restore inner Qi, nourish and tonify the liver and kidneys. The good about American ginseng is that the properties is relatively mild so it is not as hot as Asian ginseng. Besides nourishing Yin, it promotes fluid production as well. Shou Di shares similar efficacy with American ginseng, but Shou Di tonifies blood. The combination of both is an ideal supplement for metropolitan people.
3. Tonifies blood
Essence of Chicken with Dang Gui & Shou Wu promotes blood circulation, ideal for people with blood and Qi deficiency. The interesting part about this series is that it is suitable for women who wishes to regulate menstrual cycle. Why? The efficacies of Dang Gui include tonify blood, alleviate pain and regulate menstruation. It also aids in blood restoration and iron absorption, which is important after menstruation. Pairing with Shou Wu, early signs of white hair and beard can be reduced as well! You get two birds with one stone on the consumption.
3. Brain Food
Everyone carries various characters in their life. One can be a daughter, a mother, a grandmother, a student, a wife at the same time, being a multitasker in life. The daily tasks one has to handle from the moment one wakes up until bedtime is hectic. Have you ever forgotten to grab your lunch box on the way to work? Or have you experienced misplacing your mobile phone but could not recall the last-seen location?
Essence of Chicken with Gingko Biloba Extract can solve the above carelessness by boosting one’s memory. Ginkgo has been widely studied for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, platelet-forming and circulation-boosting properties. Research shows that ginkgo can help combat poor concentration, improve cognitive performance and memory in both older and younger adults but might be especially useful for age-related mental decline. Ginkgo appears to be beneficial for eye health since it improves blood flow to the eyes.
When blood circulation flows well, your memory turns better gradually. You can handle a few tasks at the same time without having to omit either one due to absent-mindedness.
4. Improves kids’ appetite
Good nutrition is the path to good grades! To let growing children absorb good nutrition, having a good appetite is a must! Parents usually have to try out assortment of foods to stimulate kids who don’t have a hearty appetite. Junior’s Essence of Chicken serves as an appetite booster for kids with Huai Shan and licorice added. Huai Shan nourishes the spleen and stomach. On the other hand, licorice nourishes the lungs and restoring Qi and improves the digestive system.
The brain absorbs the nutrients from the food we eat. That’s how the saying “you are what you eat” came from!

Here’s a simple guide on Eu Yan Sang Essence of Chicken series:

Essence of Chicken series

Traditional Essence Of Chicken

Essence Of Chicken With American Ginseng & Shou Di


Why choose this?

  • Tonifies Qi and blood
  • Strengthens vitality
  • Promotes metabolism.
  • Tonifies Qi and Yin
  • Nourishes the lungs
  • Calming effect
  • Relieves fatigue.

What’s inside?

Essence of Chicken.

Essence of Chicken, American ginseng, licorice, Shu Di, gojiberries

What’s special?

Formulated from quality chicken. It is rich in protein and amino acids.

Extracted from selected fresh premium graded chicken infused with the essence of traditional Chinese herbs American Ginseng & Shu Di, using a signature combination of traditional methods and state-of-the-art technology.

American Ginseng restores inner Qi, nourishes the lung while having a calming effect to the mind. Shu Di helps in enriching blood and relieving fatigue.

Suitable for

All ages and at all times.

Suitable for individual with heaty body, stays up late and experiencing lack of sleep.

Essence of Chicken series

Essence Of Chicken With Dang Gui & Shou Wu

Essence Of Chicken With Ginkgo Biloba Extract


Why choose this?

  • Promotes blood circulation
  • Regulates menstrual cycle
  • Tonifies liver and kidneys, Combats ageing symptoms

  • Tonifies Qi and blood
  • Promotes blood circulation
  • Energy recovery

What’s inside?

Essence of Chicken, Dang Gui, Shou Wu, licorice, Shu Di, Chuanxiong, Dang Shen

Essence of Chicken, Ginkgo Biloba Extract.

What’s special?

Extracted from selected fresh premium graded chicken infused with the essence of Dang Gui and Shou Wu, using a signature combination of traditional methods and state-of-the-art technology.

Dang Gui enriches blood and also boosts vitality, promotes blood circulation and helps in regulating the menstrual cycle.

Show Wu enhances the function of liver and kidney. The combinations of these two traditional Chinese herbs help in enriching blood, nourishing Yin and also combat ageing symptoms.

Essence of Chicken with Ginkgo Biloba is formulated from quality chicken and nourishing Ginkgo Biloba Extract. It is rich in protein and amino acids. It helps to activate the blood circulation system and to boost memory.

Ginkgo Biloba is believed to be one of the medicinal herbs known to slow down the loss of memory and social skills. It also helps neutralise free radicals associated with deterioration and aging of the brain and can possibly help to sharpen the thinking skills.

Suitable for

Suitable for ladies who experience menstrual cramps and mild anaemia.

All ages and at all times.

Seniors who need to improve memory.

Individuals involved in mentally demanding tasks.

Students during study periods.

Office workers who are stressed, over-worked or lack sufficient sleep.

Essence of Chicken series

Essence Of Chicken with Huai Shan


Why choose this?

  • Nourishes the spleen and stomach
  • Improves appetite
  • Enhances digestive system

What’s inside?

Essence of Chicken, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Phyllanthus Ussuriensis Rurp & Maxim, Fructus Lycil, Fructus Jujibe, Radix Panacis Quinquefolli/Ginseng American, Radix Rehmanniae Preparata.

What’s special?

Extracted from selected fresh premium graded chicken infused with the essence of traditional Chinese herbs Huai Shan and licorice using a signature combination of traditional methods and state-of-the-art technology.

Huai Shan nourishes the spleen and stomach while licorice nourishes the lungs and restores Qi, improving digestive system.

Suitable for

This product is suitable for individuals with decreased appetite and weak digestion system. Essential for kids age 5 and above.