Fertility & Pregnancy

What to Deal With Baby's Growth?


  1. Baby’s food should be in natural flavor, balance and rich in nutrition. It is not advisable to add salt, essence, preservatives and excess sugar into baby’s food. Some baby food products found in the market have quite “strong” flavor or taste. They may have been added with flavorings such as salt or essences (eg: vanillin). Young parents have to be cautious on choosing the right products for their babies. Although natural flavor tastes light, it is actually quite delicious for the baby. Adults’ preferences on strong flavors may not be suitable for babies.


  1. Do not feed babies with unpasteurized food, such as unpasteurized fresh juices. This is because food that hasn’t undergone pasteurization may cause diarrhea or other serious health problems to the babies.


  1. Do have the egg yolk fully cooked before giving it to the babies. Babies below one year old should avoid taking egg white, because they are prone to allergy.


  1. Fat intake is very essential to help babies grow. For babies below 2 years old, parents should not reduce the fat intake by babies, as they are at this peak phase of time happening to need more energy for proper growth.

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